The Future Eco-Friendly Homes:
Stephen Fleming Stephen Fleming

The Future Eco-Friendly Homes:

I have been interested in building energy efficient homes for far longer than I have actually been building homes. Maybe it was growing up in a stone farmhouse, that beside its historical charm, its monstrous consumption of fuel oil and wood was an annual budget stresser.

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Difference Between Residential & Commercial Brokerages
Stephen Fleming Stephen Fleming

Difference Between Residential & Commercial Brokerages

Dr. Dre famously said, “What’s the difference between me and you?”

When it comes to real estate agents, this is a very poignant question. We are not all, in fact, equal and it has little to do with our vehicles, bank accounts and other things. All things considered, everything else can appear strikingly similar to a mid-2000s rap video.

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Navigating Commercial Real Estate in a Shifting Landscape
Stephen Fleming Stephen Fleming

Navigating Commercial Real Estate in a Shifting Landscape

So why is everyone talking about interest rates? At its most simplistic definition, what are Interest rates? Interest rates, typically set by central banks, determine the cost of borrowing money. When rates are low, borrowing is more affordable, leading to increased demand for real estate. Conversely, when rates rise, borrowing becomes more expensive, potentially cooling the market.

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Unpacking PA House Bill 1275: A Controversial Shift in Riparian Buffer Regulations

Unpacking PA House Bill 1275: A Controversial Shift in Riparian Buffer Regulations

In the heart of Pennsylvania, a proposed legislative change is stirring up conversations and concerns among residents, property owners, and builders. PA House Bill 1275, if enacted, will significantly alter the regulations surrounding riparian buffers along waterways in Pennsylvania. While the intention is to enhance environmental conservation, critics argue that the bill may be a heavy-handed approach that infringes on private property rights.

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Navigating the Waves: The Impact of Interest Rates on Residential Markets, Part 1
Stephen Fleming Stephen Fleming

Navigating the Waves: The Impact of Interest Rates on Residential Markets, Part 1

I started this exercise by researching “free-market economy” and related ideas. What I found were some pretty humorous quotes from all sorts of famous people. There wasn’t really one that captured my attention enough for this topic, but generally the notion that we pretend to live in a “free-market”, that supply and demand are equals on the seesaw of life.

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